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Transferring your score to a new phone

Solitaire Save and Load Score Instructions.

In Solitaire you can save and load your score. This is useful for transferring your score from one phone to another. It is also wise to keep a copy of your score in email just in case you lose your phone.

Save score saves your current score and the link to your leaderboard entry. Other statistics are not saved.

Saving your score

Press the onscreen Menu button.

Solitaire Menu Button

You should see a set of options. Scroll down the list to the bottom and you should see "Save Score".

Solitaire Save Score Option

Select that option and you should see an email created.

The text in the body of the email should look like this.

Save Score Email

This text is encrypted and can be used to reload your score.

Send this email to a safe place. It could be an email account on a PC or an email account on a new phone.

Loading your score

Press the onscreen Menu button.

Solitaire Menu Button

You should see a set of options. Scroll down the list and you should see "Load Score".

Solitaire Load Score Option

Select that option and you should see a text box.

Load Score Text Box

Switch to your email app. Select the text. Make sure you copy all the text including the <> characters

Select text in email client

Switch back to Solitaire. Do a long press in the Load Score text box to select Paste.

Press on Load Score

Select Paste.

Paste Text

Select OK.

Select OK

Success. See the notes below if it does not work for you.

This also links your score to your leaderboard entry. So for example if you use a new phone that will show your leaderboard entry from your old phone.

My Score does not load

There are a couple of reasons why your score may not load:

If none of these fix the problem then one final solution is to type in the text by hand. Sorry - you will need to be careful and it will take some time.

If you have any problems please contact us.

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